from dishwashing to executive leadership

- my ongoing outside of academia journey

i do, i learn, i share - one day perhaps something extraordinary

looking backmoving forward

from profession to person

beyond profession

this is the part where i tell you who i am beyond what i have been doing, but i believe that what i have been doing tells the story of how i decided to grow and who i ended up being today

my journey, like every other, is unique in its own ways

i've always preferred to learn a bit of everything, staying curious about it all, and i won't find the right words to describe who i am in a single paragraph but if you're curious to connect, or if you have a question about what you see here, feel free to reach out

otherwise, reach out without a question, and i'll do the talking

let’s start right now

-what is your nighthawk?

“n. a recurring thought that only seems to strike you late at night - an overdue task, a nagging guilt, a looming future - which you sometimes manage to forget for weeks, only to feel it land on your shoulder once again, quietly building a nest

the crossroads


focusing on sharing what i’ve learned and continuing to learn alongside others

one-on-one mentoringknowledge-exchange session│co-mentoring - open to collaborate

growing by sharing


sometimes it feels like midsummer - the realization that although we’ve come a long way, there’s still just as far to go

using what we’ve lived to love what’s about to be lived, no fluff - just unfiltered talks to fuel each other’s journeys

a spoken exploration

freeflow expression

instead of obsessing over “perfect,” the freeflow expression workshop dares us to let go of the rigid expectations and opens us up to play with our imagination through self-exploration

breaking perfectionism